Thursday, April 5, 2007


Progress is being made, at least behind the scenes, on the creation of the Diagnostic Imaging Learning Laboratory (DILL), which I will be housing in my tiny library. The DILL will have several computers for the purpose of accessing research material and learning resources as part of one of our faculty member's Academic Development Program.

We're at a roadblock currently because the designated room is still being used for storage by two separate people. I talked to one yesterday who asked if she could have until at least mid-May to sort through her boxes, and she is trying to firm that up with the faculty member's secretary. The other person has every intention of removing her stuff when she has another place to put it. Unfortunately, the person who is supposed to find her space is out of the country until May 1! As for the first person, the secretary told her yesterday, "Oh, there's no big hurry, since he doesn't even have the computers yet." Then later, a person from IT came in to ask me if this is where the computers were supposed to go. I had to tell her, yes, but not yet!

Once finished, this is going to be a great addition to my library (even if it's not officially my lab). I'm hoping to be able to use it for small-group training, something I don't do much of now.

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